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Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

Hi, my name is Suzanna. When the old HVAC system in my home began to fail, I decided to invest in a new one. Over the past few years, I have become increasingly environmentally aware, so I wanted my new HVAC system to be as green as possible. I contacted an HVAC contractor and discussed what I wanted, and they suggested I have a solar powered HVAC system installed in my home. I did a little more research and I was really impressed by the solar option as it would save me money and help to save the planet. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to explore solar HVAC systems.


Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

Sounds that Indicate Your AC Needs Servicing

by Yolanda Mason

Your air conditioning unit is one of the most essential home appliances that you have. It keeps your home cool and comfortable, especially during the hot summer days. However, if you hear strange sounds coming from your AC system, it could be a sign that it needs servicing. This blog will discuss some of the common sounds that indicate your AC needs servicing.

Rattling Sounds

If you hear a rattling sound coming from your AC unit, it could be due to a loose part, such as a fan blade or a screw that has come undone. Continuing to operate your air conditioner with a loose part can cause further damage to your unit, so it’s important to call a professional technician to diagnose and repair any issues.

Squealing Sounds 

If there’s a squealing sound coming from your AC unit, it could be due to a faulty belt. Over time, belts can become loose or worn out, which can cause the squealing sound. Ignoring this sound and continuing to run your AC unit can lead to a complete belt failure, which is a much more expensive repair. To avoid such scenarios, it’s always better to have a professional inspect and service the unit.

Grinding Sounds

A grinding sound coming from your AC unit can be due to a motor or bearing issue. When the bearings wear out, the metal parts scrape against each other, creating a grinding sound. Continuing to run the unit with this sound can cause further damage and, eventually, system failure.

Hissing or Whistling Sounds

Air conditioning units rely on refrigerant to operate. A hissing or whistling sound coming from your AC unit might signify a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant leaks may damage your AC unit, and the fluid is hazardous to your health. Calling a professional AC technician is essential to fix refrigerant leaks immediately.

Clicking Sounds

Clicking sounds, while not as severe as the other sounds, can still indicate that your AC unit needs servicing. A clicking sound can indicate an issue with the electrical component of your unit, which requires professional attention and repair.

While these are the most common sounds that indicate your AC unit needs servicing, it’s important to remember that there could be other reasons why your unit is making strange noises. If you notice any of these sounds, it’s important to call a professional to inspect and service the unit. Regular AC maintenance can detect any issues before they become serious and help prolong the life of your unit. By being proactive, you can keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the year. 

For more info about home air conditioning, contact a local company. 
